~ Son Rose Rabbitry ~

Sunday, August 14, 2011

~ Litters ~

Emma had another litter a couple days ago.

Jacob x Emma ~ 2 kits: Emma actually had 4 kits but 1 was a DOA and one was a peanut. I am so confused about this litter. At first I thought she had a two himi's, then one started getting a light color to it so I thought it was a smoke pearl. Then yesterday what I thought was a himi also started getting color so I have know idea what I have. I guess time will tell....

Starburst missed this time so I rebred her yesterday as well as the HL does. Mask,and Annabell are due this week.

Broken Splash is still on the For Sale page but I also added a HL jr buck. Since we have two we decided we didn't need him. Email me if your interested.

It is suppose to cool down a little bit this week and be 90 instead of 100. It will be a welcome break for me and the bunnies.